
Fundne resultater: 1738
Mads Lundwall

Mads Lundwall « Software

(Hits: 248;hjemmeside tilføjet: Jun 21, 2015, Software)

Homepage of Mads Lundwall. Articles on IT and/or political matters, novells, comics and open source. My work, doings and opinions, based on an autonome and socialist view on life and work, aimed at personal and social liberation.

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Mobile Software Rapid Development Tool

Mobile Software Rapid Development Tool « Software

(Hits: 248;hjemmeside tilføjet: Jun 14, 2015, Software)

The easy to use PC-based design software lets you design your own mobile application in just minutes. An inventory application can be designed and uploaded to the mobile device in under 2 minutes. By pressing icons you put in the functions that make y

mobility mobile inventory ordertaking warehouse picking rfid barcode reading

Welcome « Software

(Hits: 247;hjemmeside tilføjet: Jul 8, 2015, Software)

CMSimple is a simple content management system for smart maintainance of small commercial or private sites. It is simple - small - smart! It is Free Software licensed under AGPL

cmsimple content management system
JomaGroup Nordic ApS

JomaGroup Nordic ApS « Software

(Hits: 247;hjemmeside tilføjet: Jun 24, 2015, Software)

JomaGroup Nordic ApS er dansk distributør for en række kendte Amerikanske software leverandører, herunder SCO Group og Century Software. Salget af produkterne foregår udelukkende gennem et bredt proffessionelt forhandlernet d

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Business Software and Services - Visma

Business Software and Services - Visma « Software

(Hits: 247;hjemmeside tilføjet: Jun 23, 2015, Software)

Visma is the Nordic region's leading supplier of business software and services to enterprises of all sizes, the public sector, retail businesses, and accounting offices.

accounting services financial software debt collection retail it it consultants

Velkommen « Software

(Hits: 247;hjemmeside tilføjet: Jun 12, 2015, Software)

Shape IT - tilbyder totallà¸sninger inden for software udvikling og konsulent ydelser

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Blackwolf Digital | Software Design Development

Blackwolf Digital | Software Design Development « Software

(Hits: 246;hjemmeside tilføjet: Jul 6, 2015, Software)

På udkig efter dygtige softwareudviklere Vi hjælper med programmering og udvikling af software med udgangspunkt i de nyeste og mest populære platforme. Vi anvender kun erfarende udviklere i EU, som arbejder med Agile udvikling på team basis.

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