
Fundne resultater: 5875
Frame Copenhagen

Frame Copenhagen « design

(Hits: 320;hjemmeside tilføjet: May 19, 2014, design)

We make commercials and all kinds of clever stuff to come out of your TV. We cultivate the good design and always strive to be diverse. Made up of talented designers, animators, directors and producers, our use of a wide range of skills help bring bra

HAY « design

(Hits: 320;hjemmeside tilføjet: May 14, 2014, design)

Designer and manufacturer of contemporary furniture, accessories and rugs. HAY's ambition is to encourage Danish furniture design's return to the innovative greatness of the 1950s and 1960s, but in a contemporary context.

hay cph hay aarhus hayshop hayshop møbler furniture accessories rugs carpets
Silk-screen printing transfers, temporary tattoos, decals, design, sewing

Silk-screen printing transfers, temporary tattoos, decals, design, sewing « design

(Hits: 318;hjemmeside tilføjet: Jun 22, 2015, design)

UAB „Laurema“ - silk-screen printing company, offers unique and exclusive ideas how to use silk-screen printing technology in product decoration (textiles, wood, metal, plastic surfaces). We produce heat transfers, temporary tattoos, decals.

laurema silk screen printing silk screen silk screen serigraphy direct printing transfers heat transfers decorative stickers temporary tattoo
Gain - forstærke, gavne, opnå, tjene, vinde ...

Gain - forstærke, gavne, opnå, tjene, vinde ... « design

(Hits: 317;hjemmeside tilføjet: Jun 28, 2015, design)

Philobiblon handler om alt fra arkæologi, bøger, design og kunst til historie i bred forstand. Drivkraften bag siden er Jan Eskildsen, der har mere end 30 års erfaring som journalist og redaktør.

redigering grafisk viden digital kommunikation rundkirker arkæologi historie bibliofil gain jan eskildsen